Monday, December 19, 2005
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that quote is one of my personal favorites. I love Thoreau
what year was that quote made?
Hi Doug,
It is from "Civil Disobedience". Which was published in 1849. I was thinking the other day about all of the books that have been covering government corruption and even early movies. These scams have been going on a long, long time.
Go here:
And go down to paragraph [7]...
yeah i guess i wasn't thinking.....i was wondering if it was like 1972 or 1995 or 2001 or something and now i see henry david thoreau died in 1862.......D'oh!
Well, don't feel bad. Things were bad enough in the 1850's (right after Thoreau's "Civil Disobedience"), that we had a civil war that killed more Americans than all other wars combined.
Jefferson said we needed a revolt every twenty years to keep the republic in check.
We are way behind...
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